KWD Automotive: Car Body Construction and More

KWD Automotive AG & Co. KG is a renowned name in German car body construction. In the nineteen twenties and thirties, car bodies were built here for customers from Bugatti to Horch. The company has been part of the Schnellecke Group since 1994.


Welding assemblies and car body assemblies

Welding assemblies are taking on a more and more important role in the logistics process chain of the automotive industry. This requires special expertise. Whether simple connection parts or complex car body assemblies such as complete exhaust gas systems – we are also the competent partner of the automotive industry for welding assemblies

As well as state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, we also carry out, among other things, welding analyses in our in-house laboratory, including a non-destructive test using ultrasonic technology, and continuous series production monitoring using 3D measuring technology.


Production-proven manufacturing solutions in lightweight construction

One of our main focuses is lightweight construction. We support our customers in reducing weight in essential structural components in vehicle construction with production-proven manufacturing solutions in aluminum, magnesium, steel and composite materials.


Research and development 

Our current research and development projects in material, structural, and system lightweight construction focus on alternative joining processes in multi-material design and on the further development of the current roller and roll bending technologies. Furthermore, we are developing methods for the generation and validation of lightweight construction potential.


HERE you will find the KWD Automotive website.