Storing lithium-ion batteries and delivering them just-in-time to the production lines is a major challenge, as the property insurer's regulations are extremely strict. Due to their hazard potential, they require not only trained personnel and adapted processes, but also special hazardous materials storage facilities.
Everything from a single source
Approval, planning, construction, operation and logistics of battery storage facilities - we offer you an integrated overall concept for handling lithium-ion batteries.
Our service portfolio:
- Expert opinions on
- fire protection
- environmental protection
- other structural features
- Advice on
- Current and future legal situation
- Construction planning and construction costs
- funding opportunities
- Approval times
- Property requirements
- Insurance
- Recycling requirements
- Hazardous goods processes (transportation, documents, training)
- All logistical and structural aspects of the storage concept
- Construction coordination through to final acceptance
- warehouse management
- battery handling
- Handling pyrotechnic vehicle parts
- Accident concepts
- Transportation of dangerous goods (general cargo)
- JIT/JIS logistics