Just-In-Time and Just-In-Sequence 

For many large manufacturers, Schnellecke is a recognized partner that reliably delivers parts and assemblies around the world to the production line just in time and just in sequence.

We use modern order picking systems to sequence into part-specific sequencing racks, for example in our multi-JIS centers located close to the plants.

We ensure that part variants or assemblies are delivered to your assembly line at the right time and in the right sequence and position. With our expertise and innovative IT tools, we also help you to flexibly optimize your sequences.

For example, we are responsible for supplying the worldwide production lines of a major German manufacturer with kitting bins packed with additional and add-on parts for the center console such as footwell panels, covers, lids and trims.



The simple thing that is hard to do

A total of seven suppliers have Schnellecke sequence their components and deliver them to the customer’s assembly line in Düsseldorf-Derendorf for the commercial vehicle model that has been built there since 2018. A visit to the Düsseldorf multi-JIS center.
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