The conservation of natural resources is a topic that the Schnellecke Group focuses on intensively. Through various measures we strive to reduce energy consumption and environmental impacts and to increase the use of renewable energies within the set limits.
As well as increased outsourcing of peripheral services in the industry, the international division of labor has led to a rapid growth of logistics processes and therefore also traffic flows. The result is an increase in emissions. That is why logistics has a special responsibility when it comes to protecting the environment and natural resources.
Environmental and energy targets are defined within our corporate strategy. We proactively go beyond the legal requirements through voluntary measures in order to continuously improve environmental protection and energy efficiency within the company. This way, all environmentally relevant aspects of business operations are taken into consideration at Schnellecke.
Environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015
Our environmental management system is a component of the Schnellecke Group’s Integrated Management System (IMS). The scopes of application and central requirements for all companies and employees of the Group are bindingly specified and regulated in our IMS handbook. Environmental goals are supplemented at the sites by local targets and programs
Environmentally relevant aspects are determined at the earliest level possible within Project Management, and potential risks are assessed.
Energy audits according to the requirements of DIN EN 16247 (EDL-G) were carried out at all German sites of the Schnellecke Group that are not SMEs. Appropriate measures in compliance with the respective domestic legislation have been implemented at the EU company sites of the Schnellecke Group.
The environmental protection measures of the Schnellecke Group include, among others, the following:
However, as a contract logistics company with limited-duration contracts there are certain limits, since we do not primarily provide our services on our own premises but in rented buildings or buildings provided to us by the customers.
When selecting suppliers, we evaluate not only the qualitative suitability but also the environmental compatibility of the products to be procured (raw materials, supplies, chemicals). If the suitability is the same and the price is economically justifiable, the requirement is to choose the more environmentally friendly variant and thus further reduce the impact of a given site on the environment.
In the area of waste produced, we attach importance to a continuous reduction of waste quantities. The amount, method of disposal, and the associated costs of operational wastes have to be recorded in the annual report and assessed regularly.
Energy management system
A strategic goal of the Schnellecke Group is the systematic recording and analysis of energy use in all companies of the Group. For this we record the type of energy (for example electricity, natural gas, oil, district heat, etc.) at all company sites and analyze them in regard to the operational energy use. Energy performance indicators are defined in order to determine energy saving potentials. Measures are assigned to these identified energy saving potentials and implemented at every site in order to minimize energy use.
The KWD production sites in Radeberg and Wolfsburg are certified according to ISO 50001 (Energy Management).
Energy audits according to the requirements of DIN EN 16247 (EDL-G) were carried out at all German sites of the Schnellecke Group that are not SMEs. Appropriate measures in compliance with the respective domestic legislation have been implemented at the EU company sites of the Schnellecke Group.
Our vehicle fleet: Environmental protection through innovation
Trimble’s CarCube on-board computer has been in use for several years. Trimble measures over thirty criteria of how the driver drives and behaves, as this has a significant influence on energy consumption. Drivers receive points for considerate driving; if they reach a certain number of points, they receive a bonus at the end of the month.
The system has now been installed in all vehicles and accepted by the drivers. The points incentive works. As a result, average fuel consumption has been reduced by 1.5 liters. That doesn’t sound like much, but when you realize that one liter of fuel saved for the entire fleet amounts to around 150,000 euros, it quickly becomes clear that economy and ecology come together here.
The vehicles for local and just-in-time transports have also been uniformly configured and equipped. Diesel-LPG hybrid vehicles and semi-trailer tractor units with natural gas engines have been in use for some years now.